A Bit About Us
We're local parents and residents who heard about the proposed Northern Beaches & Western Harbour tunnels, have done a lot of research and are very concerned about what we've learned.
We're not activists, greenies or politically aligned and we're not "funded" by politicians or construction companies, but we do have a wide variety of professional and academic backgrounds that give us credibility to talk about this space.
It is a shared effort by members of the local community to assess, based on the available information, what impact these projects might have on our families, community, homes and environment.
Our aim is to discover and share relevant information and impacts as accurately as possible, so that people can understand the truth, rather than political spin. All our informational material, including videos and this website, has been thoroughly researched and made by volunteers.
In the spirit of working together as a community, we welcome your constructive feedback. If you have a background or interest in any of the areas touched on and would like to increase or clarify our understanding of the impacts, we’d love to hear from you. Please share your thoughts and feedback at stopthetunnels@gmail.com or www.facebook.com/stoptunnels/