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Transport for NSW Reference Design Stage
Western Harbour Tunnel, Warringah Freeway and Beaches Link
Community Consultation August - December 2018
RMS Reference Design Feedback Maps
In total over 7000 individual pieces of feedback from the community were received by the RMS. Community members could write in separately and/or place a comment pin on one or both of the RMS feedback maps below. In total 3443 comments were made and 99% of the comments were negative or outright objections. The maps below can each be opened to view the comments. In addition to feedback to the RMS; two petitions were run , groups made submissions and individual letters were sent to the Premier and other decision makers. There was an overwhelmingly negative response to the projects across the tunnel route.
Community Consultation on the reference design closed on the 1st December 2018. The community was asked to pin their questions, comments or objections on the RMS map. You can view the pins here.
Reference Design Submissions
Correspondence to Decision Makers
Responses to the Community
10,000+ Community Petition to State Parliament
The community came to the conclusion after thorough research that the tunnel projects were going to present an unacceptable risk to amenity, health, safety and environment with little demonstrable benefit and so a paper petition was commenced. which met the requirements of the Legislative Assembly. In December 2018 we made the Premier aware of this petition , it's content and progress via a written submission to her office. In November 2019, after the petition passed 10,000 signatures, we again wrote to the Premier asking her to 1) accept the petition in person 2) guarantee submission to Parliament within a reasonable timeframe. The community did not receive a reply until after the requested response date and we were asked to pass the petition in to administrative staff at the Premiers office - no guarantee was given of submission and office staff stated that the petition submission process would be a lengthy one contrary to advice from eh parliamentary Sitting Officer. It was felt by the STT steering committee that this did not sufficiently honour the communities petition a decision was made to offer it to other MP's who may be willing to represent the petition in good faith. Rob Stokes MP has since declined to accept the petition and directed us to give it to "our local member"(despite making it clear that many of the signatories come from his own electorate) .
The Petition has now been submitted to the Legislative Assembly and will be debated on the 30th July 2020! Please join our mailing list by emailing if you would like to know more.
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