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 The Western Harbour and Beaches Link projects are the largest construction projects to ever be proposed for the North Shore and our concerns have been confirmed by the first EIS released on 29th January (the Western Harbour Tunnel and Warringah Freeway which closed to public consultationon 30th March 2020 and was approved by planning January 2021) . This release was followed by a second EIS for the Beaches Link and Gore Hill section released on the 9th December 2020 which is currently on exhibition.


The formal submission stage for this part of the project is closed. Please go here to view the submissions made against the project (majority are objections) and here to view the conditions of consent which contractors will need to comply with by law. This stage of the project is due to commence in 2021 and be finalised by 2026.


Please go to for submission guides and links for submission to the Beaches Link and Gore Hill portion of the project. Submissions close 1st March 2021. There are big issues ranging from contamination, to biodiversity, to health, tolls, traffic and a very poor cost/benefit. Please head to the site and make a submission.

Here are the Links to what the Government has published:

Explore the full EIS (Go to EIS 73)). Any other documents are NOT the EIS but marketing documents published by the proponent (Transport for NSW/  RMS). The EIS documents the final plans and impacts

View the Warringah Traffic Flow Map to see how traffic changes will impact you. This is a picture of the proposed traffic changes to the Freeway - it's huge!



Our Analysis of the Final Plans and Key Impacts of the Western Harbour Tunnel and Warringah Freeway upgrade

The EIS is a huge document around 9000 pages long so we have analysed key issues for you. If you are concerned about this stage of the works and want to have your voice heard why not choose some points from these docs and write to your State Representative, EPA, Dept of Health and the relevant Ministers? It's never too late to make a differnce for your community.

Submissions for WHTWFU now closed please go to for a template for Beaches Link
Image by Bench Accounting
Why Objecting is Important

It is important to note that "objecting to the project" means objecting to part or the whole project as it is outlined in the EIS rather than the concept of the project or what it could be. An objection has the most influence over whether Conditions of Approval will be granted which ensures that the community is best protected. As a community we need as many people as possible to submit their objections to ensure that our communities valid concerns are heard.

Tips for Writing your Objections

Note: It is important to include personal content to explain how you, your family or community will be personally impacted. It is also good to suggest what alternative you would like or what condition you would like to see if possible. If you are using any guidance documents try to personalise them a little as multiple "form letters" are counted as a single objection.  We suggest that you save your objection as a pdf, upload it and then on send to your local MP, Council, the Chief Scientist and Medical Officer. Locate contact details below.

Need More Info? Here is what the experts think:

Suspension Requests to Premier and Planning Minister due to COVID-19

What the Public Submitted:

What Elected Representatives Submitted:

talking on phones

Save your submission and send it to decision makers like your local MP, local council, the Chief Health Officer and the Chief Scientific Officer

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We recently submitted a signed written petition to the NSW Legislative Assembly (30th July 2020 click here to view the contents). We are now running an online petition to continue to raise awareness and ask decision makers to invest in projects that will help those most vulnerable across NSW. Sydney does not need more toxic toll roads!


Please email it around, share it on social media as much as possible in both city and country areas. These projects are a huge waste of investment that could be used to stimulate our economy and provide for a prosperous future for all.

Update: Formal submissions are now closed however you can still make a difference by writing to your State representative and the relevant Ministers in State Parliament. The Beaches Link EIS is now out for public consultation until 1 March 2021. 

Western Harbour Tunnel (WHT) & Warringah Freeway Upgrade (WFU) 

Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) January 2020

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Want to help more?

Find out how to volunteer to spread the word, get petitions signed or share information with your neighbours.

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